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En este espacio encontrarás evidencias de la diversidad de talento con el que contamos en la Institución Educativa El Picachito.  Descubre lo que tus compañeros pueden hacer, lo que les interesa, para lo que son buenos o comparte tus habilidades, ingenio, creatividad, para hacer de esta una gran comunidad.



"The music is a refuge for

the wounded, although there

are so few people able to

understand the amazing meaning

that it has.

This one has a natural power,

capable of healing the

hatred and bitterness of our


Feelings which abound inside us,

making us friends of its

rhythm, and brothers in its


Nelson Molina 11°


I must confess...

I have not treated you well, I have hurt you, I have blamed you and disrespected you. 

Forgive my madness, my guilt for not feeling beautiful, desirable. Forget all the improper words I have thought, all the uncommon sayings I state; from now on, I accept myself with all my imperfections and flaws, with my strengths and pros.  I am beautiful and even prettier when I respect my body which is pure as water, serene as clouds, soft as cotton and lovely as flowers to bloom.

Claudia Patricia Ruiz English teacher.

                                         HURT AND JOY

His memories stabbed my heart, 

my words bled and I asked: 

How come can I still love him?

how is it possible that my body

cries out for just a glance or simply a touch?.

                                                                          Claudia Ruiz  English teacher 


Ese fue el tan callado pero ruidoso beso, teníamos el desespero de desligar nuestras prendas y empezar a sumergirnos en las almohadas... Y al sentir nuestros cuerpos juntos se hizo una imagen en nuestras cabezas que nos dirigía al éxtasis.

                                       Juan Pablo Zuluaga 11°

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